Wednesday, November 18, 2009

4 Must Have Fitness Motivators!

Tools to Staying Motivated and Reaching Your Fitness Success

An individual can have the greatest intentions in the world when it comes to getting fit or healthy, however, if they lack the ability to maintain long-term motivation, they will inevitably fail. We see this in gyms across the country every year. New Year’s resolutions come and go by the end of January without fail. Why? Simple, they have failed to master the mental aspect of fitness!

Fortunately, this too can be trained and you can build the necessary mental muscles needed to ensure long-term lifestyle and success! Read on to see what tools you must focus on to ensure long-term success!

GOAL SETTING First and foremost, you have to know what you want! Just like every other aspect of life, you need a foundation on which to build. Clear, detailed goals that provide a road map that you can fix in your mind (and on paper) so you stay the course and never lose sight of that which you are after.

Set goals that pull you towards that which you dream of! Your goals should never be a burden. If they are, you have set them for the wrong reasons. You want goals that motivate you as you progress! You want goals that are so deeply powerful, when you read them each day, your hunger and desire is stoked yet again!

FOCUS Just as your fitness requires you to train through both cardiovascular and resistance training methods, your ability to focus, or concentrate on the task at hand, is a key element of reaching your goals. Training your concentration or will to succeed, towards any goal, not just your fitness or health related goals, is an amazing tool.

Practice the technique of excluding extraneous thoughts and sensory data until all of your concentration is laser-focused into the task at hand. Learn to remove outside influences and focus solely on your immediate target. Practicing such focus or concentration training can actually create much more control over your body, even allowing you to lower your blood pressure and pulse rate. Irrelevant of whether you focus is directed at the bigger picture of reaching you target of losing 20 pounds or one each and every rep during your workout, focus is an element often overlooked. Don’t make this same mistake!

VISUALIZATION This combines goal setting and focus to help you create a realistic visual on the ideal shape, or individual features that are seeking to achieve. Visualization works best when you set aside 15-20 minutes of quiet time, preferably at night while lying in bed, with the lights off, to best take advantage of the calm state of your mind and body. Think of your goals, focus your thoughts on them and “see” yourself in detail! Picture every aspect of the goals you have set. Visualization takes practice, but the rewards are unquestionable.

AFFIRMATIONS Never give up! Constantly remind yourself what you intend to accomplish and more importantly WHY! One of the best tips I’ve ever been given is to read your goals every single morning and again every evening right before you go to sleep! Keeping your goals within your subconscious gives you a better chance of success.

For some, this list will seem unimportant, even ridiculous. I am well aware of this. Unfortunately, those who ignore this list, believing they are beyond the need of such practices, chances are, they are also the ones stuck in their current fitness or health state. It is unfortunate, but all too often, that those who fight the assistance of others, no matter how trivial the help may seem, are those who fail to reach any goal they set. To be honest, my hope is that just a few of you out there actually begin to practice these tools and write back in the future, sharing your successes.

Remember, we have the ability, through our coaches, to help you set, define or achieve almost any goal, whether fitness or life related. Call on us if you think there is even a chance we can be of assistance. Good luck and stay motivated!

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