Wednesday, November 18, 2009

30 Healthy Kitchen Habits

Healthy Kitchen Habits Make Eating Well Easy

We can all sometimes struggle to make the most sensible food choices that our body will thank us for. Learning what healthy alternatives there are around and how to cook our food healthily can be valuable knowledge for anyone wanting to lose weight or those of us how are just maintaining a healthy lifestyle. Read on for the definitive guide to snacking, cooking, choosing healthy foods and maintaining a healthy diet.

Steam don’t fry- steaming locks in the food’s natural vitamins and minerals and saves on using excess oils in cooking.
Cut off excess fat-when cooking meats such as bacon, steak or chicken make sure the rinds and any excess fat is cut off.
Eat a larger portion of vegetables (and a smaller portion of meat)- fill your plate with masses of healthy vegetables and reduce the size of your portion of meat and you’ll notice a dramatic difference in your weight over time without ever needing to go hungry.
Go vegetarian- These days the variety of good value, nutrient rich vegetables on offer at supermarkets is huge. You are never stuck for a new choice everyday!
Limit your food choices- by limiting the choice of snacks such as cakes, biscuits, chocolate and pastries you have you’ll find it easier to resist them.
Don’t skip breakfast- breakfast is a valuable meal, recharging our energies after our long slumber and awakening our metabolism ready for the day. By having a good, healthy breakfast you will feel more awake and energized.
Don’t crash diet- CRASH. DIETS. DON’T. WORK! They lead to a rapid drop in energy levels, shocking your metabolism into survival mode where it slows down and tries to store as much reserves as it can. The best way to diet is and always will be by changing unhealthy food choices to healthy ones and doing this steadily over a sustained period of time, so not only does your body adjust but your mind too.
Sleep more- sleeping too little is known to encourage you to eat more. By getting your correct amount of zzzzzz’s your body produces the hormones which suppress your appetite so you are less likely to binge.
Start with a salad- this can be when at home or out at a restaurant. Starting with a light and healthy leafy salad for your meal, fills you up before you have a chance to load up on fat rich alternatives and unhealthier options.
Are you hungry or just thirsty? – Sometimes we believe we are hungry but actually our body craves water. Make sure you drink at least 8 glasses of water a day.
Eat slowly- chewing your food slowly will leave you more satisfied after your meal and you’ll be able to acknowledge when you are full better. Additionally it will help your stomach digest the food properly leading to less digestive problems.
Carry healthy snacks- for those times when we desperately crave a nibble, carry a healthy snack with you in your pocket or bag such as carrot stick or an apple so you don’t find yourself ‘accidentally’ walking towards the vending machine!
Don’t weigh yourself daily- weighing yourself daily is only going to lead to disappointment and lower morale as you are never going to see a change in your weight that quickly. The best idea when trying to loose weight is to weight yourself every two weeks or even monthly.
Stock up on healthy foods- when at the supermarket make sure you load up with loads of healthy foods so that your cupboards are full of healthy choices you can opt for instead of those naughty packets at the back!
Look for low fat alternatives- when shopping take your time and look around to see if there is a lower fat and healthier alternative to the food you are buying. These days there is usually hardly any taste difference but the benefits can be huge. This also goes for lower calorie, salt and sugar alternatives.
Try adding flavour with spices instead of sauces- spices can really jazz up a dish instead of pouring in heavy sauces and oils. Get out that cook book!
Use herbs- parsley, rosemary, sage, thyme, coriander and mint to name but a few. They are packed with flavor as well as nutrients and can really make a dish sing in your mouth. Why not even try fresh mint tea?
Drink plenty of water- at least 8 glasses a day. Water keeps your energy up and flushes out toxins in your body. It’s a great alternative to alcohol or sugary juices.
Reduce your alcohol intake- speaking of alcohol, many adults are completely unaware of how much they are drinking and the damage they are doing. Keep an eye on how many units you drink on a night out or even with a meal and remember many alcoholic drinks are packing full of liquid calories.
Beware of sugary drinks- even some fruit juices which seem good for you are packed full of sugar. Keep an eye on the nutrient content of some of these and always look for healthier alternatives
Watch out for secretly high fat snacks- some snack may seem healthy but have added sugars and fats in them. Popcorn for example made plain is a good low fat food but at cinemas when loaded with sugar, caramel or salt turns into a very unhealthy treat!
Boost your fiber intake- eating a good selection of fruit and veg will keep your fibre intake high which keeps your digestive system working properly.
Switch from sugary fruit juices to lemon water- lemon water clears the system of any toxins and can be a great substitute to fruit juice.
Try rice cakes instead of crisps- still the same crunch but much less salt, fat and calories
Sip tea! (Yes, I know I’m English…..)- just two cups a day can lower your risk of ovarian cancer by 30 percent and some teas like green tea and white tea are packed with antioxidants great for your health.

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