Ever feel this way? Or maybe a better question is: Ever
been on a diet?
Why is dieting so psychologically draining?
Well, for one, it requires change in a major area of
our lives—the way we eat—and for most of us, change is
a very uncomfortable thing.
Fact is, changing old habits and forming new ones is
never an easy task; however, with dieting, it becomes
exceedingly difficult given all of the physical
adaptations that occur (which we will soon discuss).
Consider what happens in your mind when you go on a
Almost immediately you are faced with an array of
cravings. Just the sight or smell of food mentally adds
to your already present hunger pangs. You find yourself
craving foods that normally you have no desire to eat.
Every time you come in contact with an “off-limits”
food item—whether it be on a television commercial, in
a magazine, or physically right in front of you—the
battle begins.
Do you give into the temptation to experience immediate
pleasure, only to be swarmed by overwhelming guilt
shortly soon after? Or do you stick it out and allow
the anxiety to increase with every day?
It seems like a lose-lose situation—and it is.
And what if you’re not making as much progress as you
had hoped? What if you’re seemingly doing everything
right and the scale just isn’t moving?
Feelings of frustration, discouragement, and even
depression emerge, making you even more inclined to
break your diet.
I mean, who wants to sacrifice without being rewarded? At
least when you bite into a chocolate chip cookie, the
taste is satisfying. But working hard to reap no return
on investment? Well that, that just flat out sucks.
There has to be a better way—and fortunately, there is.
The simple truth is this: “diets” can’t work.
If you tried ‘em and failed, you’re just like 99% of the
rest of the world, myself included: normal.
You see, any time you restrict calories, you literally
“program” your body to fight against your every effort to
lose weight.
Not quite making sense? Time for a little history lesson.
Think back for just a minute to the time in which our
ancestors roamed the earth. You know, the hunter and
gather, feast and famine type days.
For those individuals, survival was king, and in order
to survive, they had to do the whole “eating” thing just
like us.
Unfortunately, things weren’t quite as easy for this
group as they are today. No supermarkets. No drive-through
meal deals. Instead, when our primitive ancestors wanted a
nice steak, they had to go find it.
This inevitably meant that there were plenty of instances
in which our yester-year counterparts went without food
for days at a time. And at other times, namely during the
winter months, their bodies were forced to get by on
very little daily food and calories.
And the reason why they didn’t die? There’s only one—the
body’s natural defense against starvation.
Don’t get enough calories for an extended period of time?
No problem, the body simply causes ”bad” hormones, fat
storage enzymes, and hunger to all increase while “good”
hormones, metabolism, and fat burning enzymes all take a
Enter “starvation mode”.
Friend to our ancestors; anything but to the dieter.
You see, dieting, although planned, is nothing more than
a lesser degree of premeditated starvation.
Go on a diet—any diet—and it wont be long until the body
begins fighting for every ounce of your body fat. You want
to lose it; it wants to keep it. And guess what? It wins
every time.
Sad scenario, I know.
But what if there was some way to “trick” your body
into thinking you aren’t dieting when you actually are?
What if you could essentially “block” the body from
entering starvation mode, keeping fat burning at its
highest point, week after week?
Well, you can.
And even better news—you can do it by strategically
“cheating” on your diet with all your favorite foods.
Is it apple pie that you crave? Chocolate chip cookies
(like me)? Or maybe just the freedom to order whatever
you want from your favorite restaurant’s menu? Whatever
it is, believe it or not, you can actually use those
foods to help you lose fat faster.
But it needs to be very strategic, and with Cheat Your
Way Thin, that’s exactly what I teach you how to do.
“So how does strategic cheating override the starvation
protection mechanism?”
That’s a good question, and one I’m more than happy to
You see, it takes the body about one week of calorie
restriction to substantially trigger “starvation mode”
and perpetuate the negative adaptations we discussed
previously (decreased metabolism, slowed/stalled fat loss,
On the other hand, it takes a much shorter period of
time to reverse these trends via strategic practices of
“overfeeding” or dietary “cheating”.
Essentially, by incorporating bursts of strategic cheating
like I teach in Cheat Your Way Thin, you can literally
turn your metabolism into your fat burning slave by
ensuring you always have an internal environment primed
for burning fat—and you do it with your favorite foods.
Oh, and did I mention just how HUGE that is
Thinking back, I can remember when I used to “cheat” only
to quickly be overwhelmed by feelings of guilt and
failure. Never again. Now when I cheat, it’s planned. And
each time I do, I walk away knowing that I just accelerated
my progress.
Frankly, it doesn’t get much better than knowing that
you just USED your Thanksgiving Dinner AND dessert to
speed along fat loss.
Anxiety? Nope. When cravings arise, there is major comfort
in knowing that you’ll be able to enjoy that very food in
just a few short days when your next cheat session rolls
Feelings of discouragement and decreased motivation?
Definitely with other diets, but with Cheat Your Way
Thin, you’ll actually be excited to step on the scale
week after week to view the consistent, steady progress
that regular, strategic cheating yields.
Simply put, strategic cheating solves the dietary dilemma
by providing you with powerful metabolic benefits and
perhaps even more powerful psychological ones.
Finally, a diet that actually WORKS.
For more information regarding proper nutrition, contact
Philadelphia Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach, Phil Nicolaou.