Tuesday, November 24, 2009

How to Identify a Fat Diet

Many clients in the past have asked me, how is this pill? Does it work? Can I eat anything and drop weight? How about this new pill called Ali? It is supposed to block fat from being absorbed. Does it help me lose weight?

First of what constitutes a fad diet?

A few things to look out for when determining what a fad diet is.

1.Does it require the use of protein shakes or potions to replace entire meals? An occasional protein shake as a supplement is ok, but you can not live off of liquid food!
2.Does it require the use of a pill? Alli, for instance is a scam. Does it block fat, the verdict is still out. Don’t be fooled. Just because the FDA approves something doesn’t mean it is effective. Why would you invest $50 in a bottle of fat blocking pills? How about you just eat less Trans fat and saturated fat and more omega 3 and 6 fat? That way you won’t need the pill! It is proven that eating a good amount of “good fat” in a day will decrease your body fat! Try fish oils!
Does the program promise amazing 20-pound weight loss in 30 days or your money back? You could loose weight, but remember the scale tells only a part of the story! You could drop 2-4 pounds of week and the scale will reflect this BUT is it muscle you are loosing? Most likely. It is possible, and backed by science to loose 2 ibs of fat per week, max. Anything more is not healthy nor is it backed by science.
I have done weight watchers and I’ve dropped 20 pounds this month.
No substitute for whole grains, fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, portion control and exercise. Sorry! You want the fat to come off; there is no way around balanced nutrition and exercise.

To start smart, I don’t like to use the word “dieting” with clients because it has negative connotations.

Healthy eating is a better approach that better explains the entire concept. Healthy eating is a lifelong commitment you make to yourself. It is a lifestyle change.

There is no way to eat smart for a month, drop the fat and then go back to eating bad. Do you value your health?

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